

Ratings (1)

The Center is responsible for furnishing a lunch and two snacks to the children at no additional cost to the parents. Hygiene and proper handling of all foods is of the utmost importance to the CPE. Food is served at correct temperatures checked with a digital thermometer.

Our Kitchen staff prepare and cook all the meals at our CPE.

We offer a well balanced menu that follows the guidelines of the Canadian Food Guide. All the lunch meals include a hot lunch, vegetables and fruits. All the four food groups are represented in our menu. We offer a large variety of products which include legumes for meat substitutes. Families receive a copy by email every month, and it is posted in front of each classroom.

Course Reviews


    Wow very nice Course! Hamburger chuck spare ribs ball tip turducken turkey bresaola sausage pastrami frankfurter fatback rump corned beef. Alcatra pork pork chop short loin shankle.

Our Contact Info

275, rue Houde
Saint-Laurent QC H4N 2J3

Phone: (514) 744-3321
Fax : (514) 744-3267

Executive Director:

Waiting List

For the waiting list please click here:
Place 0-5

Business Hours

The center is open Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 18:00.